Election Special 2020

This season is about the value gap, but since the entire premise of the series is to be a counterpoint to the Anger Industrial Complex--we kind of noticed that our fellow Americans are a little...stressed...this week. We're here to help. So before we drop the first episodes of the season, we thought we'd crack open a bottle of Relic Supermoon Chardonnay with some old pals who haven't been in the same room in over 20 years. Join Michele as she reunites the bipartisan crew she used to work with on Capitol Hill and more.

Writer/Producer, Michele Mitchell; Created By Michele Mitchell & Hannah Thornton; Executive Producer, W. Wilder Knight II; Editor, James Redding; Original Music, Samuel Joseph Smyth; Assistant Editor/Production Assistant Conrad Lonsdale Knudsen; Marketing/Outreach Hannah Thornton; Old Pal Club, Haylee Vieregg; Graphic Design (logo) Caroline Jones & Anand Ramaswamy.


Tasting Notes: “The Election Special”


Season 1: The Value Gap Trailer