About Michele Mitchell

Michele is an award-winning filmmaker, journalist and author known for her political and war crimes investigative work. 

She is best known as the critically acclaimed co-director, writer and producer of the feature documentary The Uncondemned (2016). Crowd funded by over 8,000 donors worldwide,. The Uncondemned debuted at the United Nations in front of an audience of 700 and went on to a 40-city US theatrical release, universal critical acclaim, and thousands of screenings around the world, from red-carpet premieres in capital cities to mobile cinemas in refugee camps. It has been translated into multiple languages. 

Her first documentary “Haiti: Where Did the Money Go?” (2012) aired over 1,100 times on PBS and won the national Edward R Murrow Award for Best Television Documentary, the Gracie Award for Best Investigative Documentary, the CINE Special Jury Award for Best Investigative Feature and the CINE Golden Eagle for Investigative Feature, among other honors. The documentary had over 200 screenings at the US Congress, the United Nations Association, the Haitian Embassy in Washington, the Frontline Club, Princeton, University of London, the UC campuses, and more throughout the US, UK and Canada and led to policy changes at USAID. 

She began her broadcast career as the political anchor on CNN Headline News, covering the presidential election in 2000 and then focusing on the political implications of the war on terror. She became the investigative correspondent for “NOW with Bill Moyers” (PBS) in 2004, where her long-form stories focused on corruption, US elections, and domestic and international social justice. She won a Gracie Award, a Front Page Award and an honorary citation at the Overseas Press Awards.

A graduate of Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Michele started her career on Capitol Hill. She is the author of three books: A New Kind of Party Animal: How the Young Are Changing Politics as Usual (Simon&Schuster); and the regional bestselling novels The Latest Bombshell (Holt/Plume) and Our Girl in Washington (Plume). A frequent public speaker on politics and human rights, she previously served multiple terms on the board of the Authors Guild and currently sits on the board of BYKids. She was a 2018 Ochberg Fellow at Columbia University.

Favorite Bars: Terroir NYC, Heaven (Kigali), American Colony Hotel (East Jerusalem)

Favorite Drink: Kir Royale (light on the cassis)


Co-Creator Hannah Thornton is a recent graduate of Texas Christian University who clearly has superpowers getting people to listen to her, since she wouldn’t stop pushing for this show to be made. A native of Mississippi, she currently lives and works in Oahu, Hawaii, where she is participating in Teach for America.

Favorite Bars: 2909 (Fort Worth, TX), Boho’s (Stellenbosch, ZA), Terroir (NYC)

Favorite Drink: Whiskey Sour