“Glass by glass, we're taking on the Anger Industrial Complex.”

— Michele Mitchell

Welcome to The Cocktail Conversations!

The art of conversation has been forgotten – replaced by angry confrontations and hatred for anyone holding an opposing view. The Anger Industrial Complex, a tangled web of social, political and media systems that whip up public anger for profit, has been dividing us for decades. We have come to a tipping point, and it’s time for a change. 

How do we get past seemingly insurmountable barriers to find understanding and reach a common truth? Through honest conversation, mutual respect and a willingness to listen. Add a glass of wine, or the beverage of your choice, and we have The Cocktail Conversations - tackling tough issues together and having a bit of fun in the process.

Michele Mitchell, an award-winning journalist and documentarian, invites the world’s preeminent thought leaders to join her in conversations about the issues feeding The Anger Industrial Complex. Add a cocktail to the mix and let the ideas flow. With a different topic every week, Michele’s guests offer interesting insights, new perspectives and fascinating conversations – conversations you don’t want to miss.

The Cocktail Conversations – taking on the Anger Industrial Complex with the power of conversation … and a cocktail.

These guys help make this all possible. Join and be a part of charting the course for the future.

These guys help make this all possible. Join and be a part of charting the course for the future.